Accounts struggling? We've got ideas. πŸ’‘

This is a preview of a members-only post for the Foxwell Founders Membership. Want to join our group of some of the best advertisers worldwide? Join here.

Everything we thought we knew about digital advertising, and more specifically on Facebook and Instagram over the last 10 years has changed over the course of the last month. However, just because the landscape is changing doesn't mean we can't learn, change, and evolve with it, and come out stronger on the other side.

Over the past week, we have dug into 25+ accounts to find interesting and (so far) successful ideas that you can implement today for improved performance.

  • Massive interest audiences – we know interest and persona breakouts haven't been performing as well as we'd like, but in two larger accounts we've been working on, an audience of just about all persona interest targets (think 20-50+ interests grouped together), with basic prospecting exclusions (180 day PUR/WCA) has been performing well. Why? Maybe Facebook just needs even larger audiences to try to figure out who wants to purchase. This also goes along with consolidation working better than narrower targeting/breakouts right now.

Branded content. If you take anything from this post, this is it. We're testing it in every account of ours and it's so under-utilized that it's crazy for accounts to not be using it if they can. Facebook has made branded content exponentially easier to integrate than ever before and it has endless scaling opportunities. (Shameless plug - we also just released a course with Florian Litterst and Adsventure on branded content that you 100% should check out. Don't forget that Foxwell Founders Members get a 20% discount).

Bid caps are back in the U.S./Canada, and cost caps are performing better in the UK and have stabilized more accounts lately when used mostly on TOFU at 20-30% above last 14 account-wide CPA.

Interested in reading the rest of our blog? It’s all over on the Foxwell Founders Membership, and you get access immediately once you sign up. The membership includes access to quarterly webinars, a dedicated Slack Channel, access and ability to white label blogs and emails with ads updates to send to clients and brands, one video audit per month for your brand, 20% off all Foxwell Digital courses, and a ton more.

See you there!


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