7 Predictions About The Future of Facebook and Instagram Advertising in 2021

I feel like we had the strangest year last year in 2020. Things were hot, (like really hot) then they cooled and a bunch of stuff broke but we still sold a lot for our clients.

Sounds like our lives as Facebook advertisers.

Here at Foxwell Digital, we have been thinking a lot about what the future looks like the rest of 2021 for the world of Facebook advertisers. We know you probably get asked a lot (because we do) about the stability of Facebook as a channel, along with this common one:

Where is all this headed do you think with Facebook?

Ah, yes. A classic.

So, what we decided to do was put together a list of calculated guesses of where this is all going. I am confident there will be disagreement within our community on some of these, but perhaps one person will find this useful. Or maybe you can send it to your client as a response to that question you’ll inevitably get.

So, here’s our 7 predictions about the future of Facebook and Instagram advertising in 2021

  1. We as a community along with new tools from Facebook, will allow us to have a much better map for how to navigate the delayed attribution in relation to changes with iOS14.

  2. Clients will have become more used to the flow of revenue tracking being slower, along with optimizations being more thoughtful and in longer time windows.

  3. Facebook will have figured out a better way with AEM (aggregated event measurement) to understand conversions and revenue coming in from Facebook ads. It’s not there yet but by Q3/Q4 there will be much better solutions for understanding actual and incremental conversions.

  4. Our lives in terms of describing and educating clients about tracking and attribution are going to get harder before they get easier.

  5. This move generally in the marketplace towards "‘more privacy’ does hurt those not in the biggest players in our community, but the smallest. If you’re a small advertiser, or work with small advertisers that used to have unit economics that worked, your life is going to continue to be really challenging.

  6. Creative matters, yes, but your data modeling matters just as much.

  7. There’s going to be a bunch of internet marketing goofballs acting like they have some secret sauce for optimization, scaling, and attribution. Be weary of these people. If they act like they really know, they don’t. As someone that now consults with some of the world’s biggest banks on this stuff, trust me, everyone is scrambling to understand the details. If you take time and slowly soak this stuff in and ask thoughtful questions, you’re one of the leading experts on these changes in the world. Not the guru. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

I felt it was important to write this. If you have a take, shoot me a note via our contact form on FoxwellDigital.com


Facebook Advertising FAQs: iOS14, CAPI, Facebook Sales Channel App, and Apple's ATT App Protocol


Foxwell Digital Download: FB Ad optimization and iOS14